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Death Stranding BT Survival Guide

BTs are likely your biggest worry in Death Stranding early on, so here’s how to overcome them. Death Stranding is available now on PS4, and will be available on PC in 2020.

Early on in Death Stranding, you'll start encountering Beached Things--otherwise known as BTs--during your deliveries. Compared to MULEs and terrorists, BTs are a far more significant enemy threat you'll encounter. These ghostly apparitions will try to tightly grab onto any living thing that approaches them. You typically encounter them during Timefall storms, but you specifically know when they're around when the game briefly shifts into slow-motion to focus on your Odradek shrieking at their presence.

You deal with BTs pretty often in Death Stranding, so you're going to need to quickly get used to these horrifying invisible ghostly beings. In the video above, you can find essential tips detailing how to sneak past and fight BTs, as well as what to consider before you cross into their territory. For more Death Stranding features, check out our in-depth beginner's guide and our gallery highlighting all the most significant celebrity cameos we've found so far.

In GameSpot's Death Stranding review, Kallie Plagge writes, "Death Stranding is a hard game to absorb. There are many intertwining threads to its plot, and silly names, corny moments, and heavy exposition belie an otherwise very simple message. That comes through much more clearly in the game's more mundane moments, when you find a desperately-needed ladder left behind by another player or receive a letter from an NPC thanking you for your efforts. It's positive without ignoring pain; in fact, it argues in both its story and its gameplay that adversity itself is what makes things worth doing and life worth living. It's a game that requires patience, compassion, and love, and it's also one we really need right now."