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Destiny 2 - Every Vex Transformer Location On Mars, Nessus, and Io (Season of Dawn)

Season of Dawn is officially in full swing and one of the first roadblocks guardians might face is trying to find all 15 vex transformer parts across several planets. We've taken the headache out and put every location in this nifty video guide. Destiny 2 is available on Xbox One, PC, Playstation 4, and Google Stadia.

Start digging into Destiny 2's new Season of Dawn and you'll soon get some story quests from Osiris, this season's central character. The mandates you get from Osiris help you to use the Sundial, which acts as the Season of Dawn's new activity, a new way to get weapons, and a new way to advance its time travel-heavy story.

Once you get going on the Sundial, you'll eventually be tasked with Osiris to complete a quest called "An Impossible Task," which puts you on the path to try to use time travel to save the legendary Guardian Saint-14. The quest sends you to Mercury, Nessus, and Io to find 15 objects called Vex Transformers. Destroying these items allows you to advance to the next stage of the quest, but first you have to find them all--and despite their locations being marked on your map, they're not obvious.

Luckily, we've tracked down all 15 Vex Transformers to help you find them. Check out the video to see how to reach each of their semi-hidden locations and shut them down, and continue on your path to save a legend.

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