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Westworld Season 3 Episode 3 "The Absence of Field" Breakdown, Theories And Easter Eggs

Lucy and Tamoor break down the plot, references and theories from Westworld Season 3 Episode 3 "The Absence of Field."

Like a train carrying guests into a park, Season 3 of Westworld is picking up steam. After a chapter focused almost entirely on Maeve, the third episode switches to Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson), one of the most interesting characters in the show. We learn so much about her and a lot of it will come as a surprise to viewers. It turns out that there's much more to Charlotte than just a ruthless CEO.

Charlotte's story intersects with Dolores's journey in Season 3 in meaningful ways and, as a result, has a knock on effect on what is happening with new character Caleb. This is an episode where threads begin to be knotted together, and there is a whole lot to unpack. And unpack is exactly what Lucy and Tamoor do in this Westworld Season 3, Episode 3 breakdown. Everything from the episode's title and throwbacks to previous seasons, to theories and astute analysis from viewers is covered. By the time you've finished watching you'll have a good idea of what it all means.

If you're just joining the breakdown series, make sure to watch the previous two episodes. Just like the show's narrative, the analysis builds upon itself. The breakdown crew is on its own journey of discovery and understanding, and you'll want to follow along from the start. If you need a reminder of what went down up until this point in the show as a whole, make sure to take a look at our in-depth Westworld Season 2 ending explainer.

Westworld airs Sundays on HBO.