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Division 2 Patriot Gear Set Exclusive Look

The Division 2 release date is soon and we're taking a look at the True Patriot Gear Set. On PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

The Division 2 is on its way and we’ve gotten an exclusive first look at one of its gear sets, the True Patriot. In the first game, gear sets were special pieces of equipment that would give powerful bonuses if you collected and equipped all four pieces. They became especially important to the end-game content as Ubisoft continued to develop the game as a live service, and they’re back for the sequel.

The True Patriot is a support set that comes with three different kinds of debuffs: red, white, and blue. Red is the centerpiece of the debuff set, as it causes any enemy impacted by it to do less damage. The white debuff grants extra armor for any allies that hit an enemy painted with the red debuff. Similarly, the blue debuff speeds up your skill refresh for hitting enemies with the red debuff. Once you have all three going at the same time, the set of debuffs begins spreading to nearby enemies as well.

Not only that, but it looks awfully cool too. You can get a lengthy look at the set, along with its skills in action, in the video above. The Division 2 is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on March 15.