The Batman Actor Compares The Movie To Something Very Unexpected

One of the most-anticipated new comic book movies is DC’s The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson in the title role. While there has been a lot of news about the casting, very little is known about what the movie will actually offer in terms of story or tone. Now, actor Peter Sarsgaard has provided some fresh insight, and his comments are anything but traditional.

Sarsgaard–whose role in The Batman is yet to be confirmed–told CinemaBlend that the movie has the vibe of a Pixies concert from decades ago. He said The Batman feels “young” and and edgy, thanks in part to its cast, and not unlike the iconic alt rock band.

“The cast is so awesome. It seems different from other Batman movies to me, just with the cast,” Sarsgaard said. “There’s something about it that has an edge, it’s young. To me, just my perception of it, it reminds me of when I was in college, and I went to go see The Pixies play, and looking around and feeling the vibe at a Pixies concert. That’s what it felt like to me, a song like ‘I Bleed.’ That it has the energy and that sort of thing, and isn’t so specifically targeted to a very young audience, or a very old audience, but has that power of chaos in it…”

Sarsgaard went on to say the kind of connection he felt with the audience at Pixies concerts is similar to what he feels with his castmates in The Batman.

“The Pixies were my favorite group of all time. I went to like 20 concerts, and it was that feeling of all of us in this. And it’s very emotional. The Pixies were incredibly emotional band, and I think this Batman is very emotional in that way,” he said. “I think it will be very powerful.”

The Batman is not Sarsgaard’s first comic book movie, as he portrayed Hector Hammond in the disappointing and unsuccessful Green Lantern movie back in 2011. Another connection Sarsgaard has to comic book movies is through his wife, Maggie Gyllenhaal, who starred in The Dark Knight.

The Batman is scheduled to hit theatres in June 2021. It’s directed by Matt Reeves, who previously directed Cloverfield, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and War for the Planet of the Apes.

In addition to Pattinson as Batman, the film features Jeffrey Wright as Comissioner Gordon, Colin Farrell as The Penguin, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Andy Serkis as Alfred, Paul Dano as The Riddler, and John Turturro as Carmine Falcone.