Jessica Jones Episode 209: “Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed” Review

This review contains spoilers for Marvel’s Jessica Jones Season 2, episode 9, titled “Shark in the Bathtub, Monster in the Bed.” To see where we left off, check out our review of Season 2, episode 8 and follow along with our full season binge here.

Hallway fight! It wouldn’t be a Netflix series without some kind of dust-up in a dimly-lit corridor, and while Jessica Jones doesn’t aspire to the same level of fight scene choreography as Daredevil, it’s certainly satisfying to see Alisa lay the smackdown on Pryce in the opening minutes — even if we then end the episode with a more upsetting version in which Alisa comes dangerously close to killing Jessica in a different hallway. (I do love the Jessica Jones version of a mom bandaging up their kid’s boo-boo: with snark and cheap whisky.)

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