Far Cry 5 Guide: 9 Tips You Should Know Before Starting

While Far Cry 5 remains loyal to the series’ most well-established tenets, it manages to make some big changes to exploration, progression, and combat. When you first start the game, some of these new elements may seem disorienting–a pleasant surprise for more hardcore fans of the series. To help clear the initial confusion, we’ve gathered nine essential tips on how to best play Far Cry 5.

Got any tips that you don’t see here? Let us know in the comments below. If you’re looking for a beginners tips-focused guide, you can watch our video guide discussing general starter tips to follow. And be sure to check back often as we put up our final Far Cry 5 review–as well as more guides–in the coming days.

Far Cry 5 is out now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. In other news, Ubisoft recently announced Far Cry 5’s Season Pass, which takes you to settings like Mars and the Vietnam War. We also recently learned more about the game’s microtransactions, how the campaign is playable offline, and the game’s single-player campaign playtime.