Steve Rogers Quits Being Captain America… Again

The Marvel Universe became a little bit darker this week, as Steve Rogers hung up his shield for good.

Warning: this article contains spoilers for Captain America #7!


It’s been a rough few years for Steve Rogers, between temporarily losing his powers and then having an impostor become the Supreme Leader of Hydra. The public’s faith in Captain America has become shaken, and that’s something his enemies are only too willing to take advantage of.

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Persona Q2 Confirmed for the West with Release Date, Collector’s Edition

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth is headed to the United States and Europe on June 4, 2019.

The crossover game, which includes the full casts of Persona 3, Persona 4, and Persona 5 along with the female protagonist of Persona 3 Portable, will be released exclusively on Nintendo 3DS for $39.99.

Persona Q2 focuses on Persona 5’s Phantom Thieves, who have been trapped inside of movie-themed dungeons and have to find their way out. According to Atlus, each dungeon will be themed around its own movie genre, featuring parodies of classic films and genre tropes.

In addition to encountering the casts of Persona 3 and Persona 4 along the way, the Phantom Thieves will also meet brand new characters including a “mysterious girl” named Hikari. Persona Q2 will also include a new Unison battle system that adds bonuses for certain team-ups after completing side quests. Persona Q2 will feature a Japanese voice track with English subtitles and UI heavily inspired by Persona 5.

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Daily Deals: Xbox One X NBA 2K19 Bundle for $371

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We bring you the best deals we’ve found today on video games, hardware, electronics, and a bunch of random stuff too. Check them out here or like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to get the latest deals.

xboxonexnba2k19Xbox One X 1TB NBA 2K19 Bundle for $371.06

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EA Releases A Chart To Help You Decipher Anthem’s Release Date

Release dates for video games have becoming increasingly murky in recent years for a variety of reasons. Often a game comes out on one day but can be accessed a few days early if you pre-order, and different regions sometimes get new releases on different days. With Anthem, the upcoming RPG shooter from BioWare, things are even more complicated even without regional differences, prompting publisher EA to release a chart to both help you figure out when you can play and illustrating just how unusual the situation is.

The problem is that you can obtain Anthem in multiple ways, including some options that don’t involve directly purchasing it. Those on PC can get into the full game as early as February 15, provided you subscribe to Origin Access Premier–EA’s pricey $15/£15 per month or $100/£90 per year service that gets you access to its new releases, among other things.

If you’re on Xbox One, you can also start playing Anthem on February 15, but only for 10 hours total; you can do this by subscribing to EA Access, letting you try a chunk of the game without buying it. If you’re on PC and are a subscriber to the platform’s EA Access equivalent, Origin Access, you also get 10 hours to play starting on February 15.

Those on PS4 don’t have the ability to subscribe to any Access-style service from EA, so you’ll have to wait until the actual release date–February 22–to play, at which time you can buy the full game. That’s also the day that buyers of the $80/£70 Legion of Dawn edition get in; this special edition does not come with any kind of early access. Pre-ordering any version of the game also does not get you in early. Here’s all of this information in chart form, courtesy of EA’s support Twitter account:

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Figuring out when you can start playing is just a matter of finding your path to the game in that chart, but it’s nonetheless striking that a chart is needed for what should be a simple fact. Confusion aside, this might also prove frustrating for groups of friends looking to play together who are acquiring the full game at different times–or it might just drive users to subscribe to one of the Access services, which is likely what EA wants.

Following the recent issue-plagued VIP demo, a second Anthem demo runs this weekend, from February 1-3. It features a variety of fixes, and there’s a tease for some kind of special event toward the end of the demo on Sunday. For more, check out our experience with Anthem and what its endgame looks like.

Fortnite Golden Balloon Location Guide (Week 9 Challenges)

If you’re planning to complete all the challenges for Week 9 of Fortnite‘s seventh season, you’ll need to hunt down some balloons and pop them. Sounds fun, right? It is! However, it can also be a bit frustrating since the island is very big, and those pesky balloons can be a bit inconspicuous. The challenge requires you to pop “10 golden balloons,” which is slightly misleading as they’re closer to silver than golden. To make it easier for you, we’ve put together a guide for where they can be found.

All you’ve got to do is head to the locations below, locate the balloons, and fire off a shot to pop it. Then, move to the next one, rinse, and repeat until you’ve got all 10. It’s a good idea to pack a weapon with some range as, now and then, you may find people waiting nearby to take you out, so being able to pop them from safety is certainly handy.

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Fortnite Golden Balloon Locations

  • Grid reference I2 on the roof of the brick house
  • Grid reference B2 on the roof of the mausoleum
  • Grid reference J5 on the tower at Lonely Lodge
  • Grid reference I6 on the bear statue south of Retail Row
  • Grid reference G4 in the area outside Tomato Temple
  • Grid reference H5 attached to an electricity pylon
  • Grid reference F6 on one of the structures in the middle of Dusty Divot
  • Grid reference E4 on an abandoned boat in Loot Lake
  • Grid reference D2 in the “O” of the destroyed motel sign
  • Grid reference J3 next to the truck hanging off the edge of the cliff

The other tricky challenge for the week involves finding three specific objects on the island to dance on top of: a sundial, an oversized cup of coffee, and a metal dog head. Sound familiar? You’ve probably seen them dozens of times, but you can use our location guide to pinpoint exactly where they are and get the challenge done.

Xbox Earnings Show Strong Performance, With One Exception

Microsoft announced its fiscal results for the quarter ending December 31, 2018, and it has some positive numbers almost across the board for its Xbox gaming division. The Xbox business went up year-over-year by almost every metric, except for hardware revenue, which decreased.

According to the company, gaming revenue increased by 8%, at a total of $4.23 billion. Xbox software and services revenue increased by the most at 31%, thanks to the strength of third-parties. Xbox Live monthly active users are also up 8%, totaling 64 million. That figure includes Gold and Silver members, as well as users on Windows 10 and smartphones.

Hardware didn’t fare quite so well. It was down 19%, which Microsoft credits largely to the year-over-year comparison putting it against the launch of the Xbox One X in 2017. Overall, company revenue was up 12% for a total of $32.5 billion.

Microsoft’s Xbox division has been making big moves as it prepares for the future. It has plans to expand Game Pass to PC, and has acquired a long list of studios to produce more first-party content. Those include Ninja Theory, Undead Labs, Playground Games, Compulsion Games, and most recently, Obsidian and InXile. It has also announced a game-streaming service that will begin rolling out in beta this year, and it’s at work on the multiple new Xbox consoles.

The company recently teased “new Microsoft technologies” while touting its line-up for 2019. Recently Xbox head Phil Spencer said they’ll be “going big” at E3 this year, following Sony’s announcement that it’s dropping out altogether.

A Guide to the Comics of Netflix’s Umbrella Academy

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Netflix is adding the superhero series Umbrella Academy to its lineup of original content. This new series is based on the award-winning comics from former My Chemical Romance frontman Gerard Way and artist Gabriel Bá.

If you’re not sure what makes Umbrella Academy special or what the premise of this X-Men and Doom Patrol-inspired franchise is, fear not. We’ve got a breakdown of all three Umbrella Academy graphic novels. We’ll explain the basic plot, key characters, and the conflict of each story, but avoid major spoilers. Read on to learn more about this incredibly dysfunctional super-team.

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Global Warming Is Your Worst Enemy In Civilization VI: Gathering Storm

The British Empire is on the verge of collapse. Government House, nestled on a headland just across the Thames from the centre of London, is somehow simultaneously underwater and ablaze. Once the home of Oasis, the city of Manchester is now little more than a shrinking island as entire coastal neighborhoods disappear into the rising sea. Maybe the sun never sets, but it’s getting awfully late in the day.

However, this is no post-Brexit apocalypse. It’s simply the state of play in my game of Civilization VI. The upcoming expansion, Gathering Storm, introduces the concept of climate change and, as I and every other civilization on the planet burn through consumable fuel resources, global temperature rises precipitate the polar ice to melt and the ocean to breach the walls of London. Time to rethink my strategy.

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Following on from last year’s Rise & Fall, Gathering Storm is the second major expansion for Civ VI and, based on the evidence so far, it suggests a continuation of Firaxis’ efforts to disrupt the established meta. Where Rise & Fall delivered the ability to transition from a Golden Age into a Dark Age and back again–a system designed to chart the ebb and flow of an empire throughout history–Gathering Storm is more concerned with a gradual accumulation of choices slowly building over the course of the game before unleashing fury towards the end. You can see the dark clouds approaching. The question is: how long can you keep them at bay?

“We usually look at the second expansion of a Civilization title as the one where we make sure our content is robust and complete all the way to the end of the game,” explains Civilization franchise lead designer Ed Beach. “For Civilization V, that was the additions of ideologies in Brave New World, with an emphasis on the World War period.

“We’re taking a different tack in Civilization VI–this time we are focusing on the present time and the ecological struggles with climate change that face mankind in the 21st century. That’s the big new addition with Gathering Storm, confronting players with decisions about how they are relating to the planet. There are winning strategies both ways: the diplomatic player probably wants to treat the planet well and participate in worldwide climate accords; a more militaristic player may not care and may even consider the fact that rising sea levels could deal damage to some of his coastal enemies.”

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Beach says Firaxis built their climate model using the predominant scientific conclusions on how the Earth is changing. It’s actually a fairly straightforward relationship: CO2 emissions from exploiting resources such as coal and oil add to the global temperature. As the planet gets warmer, polar ice melts, sea levels rise, and finally flooding, storms, and droughts become more frequent.

Weather events occur from the very beginning of the game. Settle on the floodplains of a river and at some point, the banks are going to break. Similarly, some mountain tiles are now designated as volcanoes, which can become active, erupt, and cover adjacent tiles with lava. More randomly, blizzards, typhoons, and dust storms can now spawn on the map and trace a path of destruction through your lands.

Early on, these events aren’t too bad, and can even be beneficial. A flood might injure a warrior you had stationed along the river or require you to repair damage to a wheat farm. But once the flood passes and you’ve cleaned up the mess, it’s likely the tiles’ soil will have been fertilized and will yield additional resources for the rest of the game.

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The idea of “playing the map” was a big part of the design ethos driving the development of Civ VI. Opening specialist districts constructed outside the city center to all kinds of bonuses based on adjacent terrain, as well as restrictions on where World Wonders can be built, requires you to adapt to the specific circumstances in front of you. You’re playing the map as presented, rather than relying on some pre-defined optimal strategy. This idea is explicitly reflected in Gathering Storm’s climate change and weather events.

“Yes these changes were indeed deliberate additions to accentuate this feeling of playing the map,”

“Yes these changes were indeed deliberate additions to accentuate this feeling of playing the map,” says Beach. “Settling in a floodplain or near a volcano is obviously fraught with peril, yet mankind has continued to do just this for centuries. Why? Well, these are some of the most fertile agricultural areas on earth. With these tradeoffs in mind, these two natural disasters were the first ones we prototyped for Gathering Storm. They proved immensely popular with our testers so we kept going and added coastal flooding, droughts, and four kinds of storms before we were done.”

In the late game, as storms and floods hit with greater frequency and severity, these events can be devastating. In my game as England, led by new alternative leader Eleanor of Aquitaine, I’d been engaged in a border skirmish with India when a freak storm ripped through the city of Bristol, pillaging my only Encampment district. At a crucial moment in the war, I was unable to resupply my frontline with reinforcements until the armory and stable had been repaired. Thanks to the weather, I had to pursue a peace deal or risk being overrun.

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Worse, in the situation I describe at the top of the page from later in the same game, the rising sea meant my Government Plaza district was destroyed, presumably for good, taking with it the powerful bonuses of its Audience Chamber and other internal buildings. Meanwhile, Manchester lost five workable tiles, including a Neighborhood district, its sole lumber mill, and the very spot I’d planned to build a Theater Square, leaving it with a population of 23 but a housing capacity of just 14. The Civ late game has rarely been so unpredictable and dynamic.

Indeed, according to Beach, “Our primary goal with this expansion is to make the world and map seem more dynamic, more alive.” He also helpfully points out where my England game might have started to go wrong, and suggests some of the choices I could have made to, if not prevent environmental catastrophe, then perhaps mitigate or decelerate it.

“Our primary goal with this expansion is to make the world and map seem more dynamic, more alive.”

“Coal, and subsequently Oil, unlock much earlier in the game than their renewable alternatives,” Beach says. “We have added extensive bonuses to the third tier district buildings if your cities are powered, so you’ll want to get going initially with coal and oil so you don’t spend three eras of the game missing out on these significantly higher yields.

“Once uranium and renewables come online, there are several more factors to consider. Solar and wind farms consume a tile around your city late in the game when such spots are very precious. A nuclear plant has high output and very low CO2 emissions, but you need to spend city resources maintaining it regularly or an accident could result. All in all, we have eight different buildings or improvements that generate power all with unique terrain or resource requirements, outputs and tradeoffs.”

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Along with some of the other existing civs and leaders, England has had its abilities revised to suit the new features found in Gathering Storm. Specifically, England gains extra Iron and Coal resources, and derives greater additional yields from powering its cities. In combination, this means England comes into its own during the Industrial Era and, to gain full advantage of the country’s unique abilities, you should be building coal power plants in every city and, uh, filling the skies above London and Manchester with horrible black smoke. Needless to say, the first time I checked the in-game World Climate report, my empire was responsible for over 90% of the world’s CO2 emissions. As the water lapped at the door of No.10 Downing St I really only had myself to blame.

Since the beginning of time–well, 1991, to be precise–Sid Meier’s Civilization has tended to view humanity through an optimistic lens. Of course, it’s a very Western Civilization-centric perspective that, amid depicting the atrocities of war and colonization throughout history, one can remain hopeful and keep faith in the idea of the march of progress. So, perhaps, all is not yet lost for England, just like all is not yet lost for our own planet.

“Our warming planet is a story that is still unfolding and will take at least the first half of this century before we get to any conclusive outcome,” says Beach. “So to give that phenomenon time to play out, we needed to extend our game 25 to 50 years into the future. That meant adding a few new steps or considerations to both our Science and Culture victories. It also meant the era needed to include new tools to battle climate change, help with these extended victories, and provide high-tech military options.

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“Since all these items are advances that mankind hasn’t yet fully unlocked, we felt it was a bit presumptuous for us to know their precise order. That’s why we hit on the idea of shuffling their order and position within the trees each game. The contents of those nodes remain hidden until you research the prerequisite.”

In previous Civ games, you would still pump science or culture into researching generic “future” technologies and civics once you reached the end of their respective trees. There was little point to this–it was merely counting down to the eventual winner. With Gathering Storm, there’s the admission that, however hopeful we might be, we still don’t quite know what the future holds. And as a strategy game, Civilization still has that one final curveball to throw our way. Will it be enough to save England?

Civilization VI: Gathering Storm releases on February 14.

DC Confirms Release Dates For The Batman And James Gunn’s Suicide Squad Reboot

With the huge success of Aquaman and much excitement around this week’s first Birds of Prey teaser, it seems that the DC movie universe is finally back on track. The studio has now added two new movies to its schedule, with confirmed release dates for The Batman and the reboot of Suicide Squad, which is titled The Suicide Squad.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, The Batman will hit theaters on June 25, 2021, while The Suicide Squad will be released on August 6 of the same year. In addition, Warner confirmed the release of a new movie titled DC Super Pets, which will focus on the pets of various DC heroes. That arrives on May 21, 2021.

The news of The Batman’s release follows comments made by director Matt Reeves earlier this week, in which he described the film as “a point of view-driven, noir Batman tale.” The movie has been in development for several years now, and it was originally set to be directed by and star Ben Affleck. While Affleck has not been officially replaced as Batman, it is thought that the role will be recast for the new movie. Affleck himself tweeted that he was “excited” for The Batman, implying that he wouldn’t be in it.

As for The Suicide Squad, this is not a sequel to the 2017 movie, but a new version written by James Gunn. Gunn was hired by DC to work on the script in October, following his departure from Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3. THR also reports that Gunn is in negotiations to direct, and that it will “take the franchise in a new direction with a mostly all-new cast of characters and actors.”

Before we get to these, there are several new DC movies set for release over the next two years. Shazam! arrives in April, while October will see the release of Joker, which stars Joaquin Phoenix and focuses on the early life of the iconic DC villain. Birds of Prey arrives in February 2020, while Wonder Woman 1984 is released in July that year.