Marvel’s Avengers War Table Livestream Details Challenge Room Content

During Marvel’s Avengers‘ second War Table livestream, we learned about some of the activities you can participate in during the upcoming betas. One of these activities is the HARM challenge rooms.

These Holographic Augmented Reality Machine rooms are virtual training simulators that let you battle waves of increasingly difficult enemies by yourself, with companion AI, or with four other real players. When the beta goes live this August, you can choose from Iron Man, Kamala Khan, Black Widow, and The Hulk and take them through these challenge rooms to test your teamwork and earn various nameplates that will carry over to the main game. There will be four challenge rooms available in the beta, with more appearing in the full game.

Developer Crystal Dynamics also touched on other Marvel’s Avengers aspects during the War Table livestream. The studio shared details on the cooperative Warzone missions, a look at the campaign content, and more.

The beta for Marvel’s Avengers will open first to PlayStation 4 owners. Those who pre-ordered the game on Sony’s current-gen system can access the beta on August 7. The following week, on August 14, PC and Xbox One players who pre-ordered the game–alongside all PS4 players–will get their hands on the beta before it is opened to everyone else on August 21. You can check out our Marvel’s Avengers pre-order guide to learn what other bonuses you get with buying early, as well as what editions are currently available to purchase before it drops on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on September 4.

Now Playing: Marvel’s Avengers War Table Gameplay Livestream (July 2020)

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Frostpunk’s Final DLC Releases On PC In August

Frostpunk‘s third and final DLC, On The Edge, is coming to PC on August 20. The new expansion takes place after the events of the base game, and revolves around an old military base, exposed by the great storm.

A scouting party is sent from New London to establish a supply chain from the old base. With no food resources near the base you will need to rely on shipments from New London and it has its own demands. The weather is less severe at the base, but there are more challenges to overcome for survival.

On The Edge features a new survival story, a brand new map with new structures, new methods of dividing or unites your people, and new mechanics for building economic and diplomatic relationships.

Frostpunk’s most recent DLC, The Last Autumn, took place prior to the base game and prior to the great storm. No release date was given for console versions of On The Edge. On The Edge will be available as part of the game’s season pass or can be purchased individually for $13 USD.

Frostpunk is available on PC, Xbox One, and PS4, and is available on Xbox Game Pass for console and PC.

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League of Legends Saudi Arabia Sponsorship Deal Met With Heavy Criticism

Riot Games has received sharp criticism over a recent announcement that it would be partnering with Saudi Arabian city Neom for its League of Legends European Championship (LEC) Summer Season. Critics of the move, including some from within the LoL community, have raised concerns regarding Saudi Arabia’s human rights abuses, ties to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the city’s implications for an indigenous tribe.

The announcement named Neom as its partner city and said it will be “a new model for sustainable living, working, and prospering” in Saudi Arabia. It also said that Neom will “help future-proof the LEC stage” by sponsoring the Oracle Lens feature, which predicts team movements and strategies.

Neom is a $500 billion mega-city currently being built in Saudi Arabia, financed by Saudi Arabian crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. That connection itself has led to much of the criticism, as American intelligence agencies have concluded that bin Salman ordered the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. In broader terms, Saudi Arabia has a poor human rights record, especially in regards to women and LGBTQ individuals.

The move drew sharp criticism from across the spectrum, and many employees within Riot Games or associated casters and other on-camera talent were quick to distance themselves from the move. Those included a statement from lead gameplay designer Mark Yetter.

“I can’t and do not personally support this partnership,” Yetter wrote on Twitter. “Sponsors are essential for the esport to thrive, but not at the cost of human life and freedoms.”

Others expressed disappointment, said they feel silenced, and offered ways to show solidarity with the LGBTQ community. Several casters and hosts have spoken out as well. One caster particular, Trevor “Quickshot” Henry, linked to a report from The Guardian that said the Neom city project is leading to the forced eviction of at least 20,000 members of the Huwaitat tribe.

Riot Games previously hosted a 2019 tournament in Saudi Arabia, which marked the first League event in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

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Call Of Duty: Warzone – 11 Things That Need To Improve About The Battle Royale

Call Of Duty: Warzone has been out for a few seasons, and while it has some great ideas, there’s still plenty of room for improvement. Below, we’ve detailed 11 things that the game needs to change to make it a better experience ahead of next season. Some of these changes include a better drop system, expanded communication ping wheel, improved armor mechanics, better climbing system, balancing, and major map changes and events.

We’ve written what we think can improve below, but you’re welcome to watch the video version of this feature above. Regardless, what are your ideas on balance and how to improve Warzone? What just sticks in your craw when you play? Let us know in the comments below, if your ideas are great we might make another feature and video.

Make Team Drop More Like Apex

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In Warzone, it’s a frequent bother for squad leaders picking a drop point to have their teammates bail out separately from them and scatter to the wind. This isn’t an issue in Apex Legends, which has the ideal system that allows the team leader to drop the squad all at once, so at least everyone ends up on the same part of the map, and then anyone who wants to can peel off. We’re hoping Warzone can implement the same in its team drop mechanics in a future update.

Expand The Ping System

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There are times in a match when you need your team to watch a specific area, or not do something, or split cash to buy back someone from death, or do any other number of important, time-sensitive things you can’t communicate off-mic. Communication is everything in a battle royale, so something like a robust ping and response system would help those who want to talk to their teammates without hopping on mic. Again, Apex Legends does this really well, and Warzone should learn from it. It feels dreadful not to be able to say things like thank you to fellow players.

Aggressive Ban Hammer

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We need a better ping system in part because many players have good reasons to be off-mic. Games like Rainbow Six Siege have mastered the art of the ban for toxic behavior, racist names, and anything else that makes their game a less welcoming place. One Call Of Duty studio, Infinity Ward, recently tweeted that they will crackdown and hand out permanent bans for repeat offenders, which is excellent; this has been a problem for many, many years. We’re going to keep this one in subsequent improvement lists until we see it implemented because if you want to play Warzone, you should always feel welcomed by the community.

That Main Menu

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Confusing UI aside, a few of us in the office have had the experience on PS4 where the main menu spins up our console’s fans to an alarming hovercraft speed. Some of us have even had our console shut down from overheating because of the main menu. At this point, many of us would prefer a simple text-based menu that doesn’t make our PS4s scream in agony. Thank you.

Run Faster With Your Fists Out

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We’ve had it good with movement in Apex Legends for too long to go back. When that gas cloud is closing in, and all you picked up was an LMG and a Rocket that reduce your run speed to John Woo levels of slow-motion, you really need to put all the guns away and run faster–like significantly faster. There are indeed ways to build this with double time and a knife, but we want it all the time. Let us run faster when we’ve only got our fists out.

Interesting World-Changing Events

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It may not have happened yet, but we’re hoping a future season will have character drama and substantial map changes, such as nukes going off in challenges. So far, we’ve just made it into a few bunkers, been stuck on a frozen winter map through the summer, and sold winter- or cold- themed items in the store.

We say this because Fortnite has been doing fantastic map-altering events and “you had to be there” moments for years now. It’s also hard to get excited about characters we know nothing about. Please give us the animated shorts and stories outside the game. There have been leaks that Season 5 might finally deliver on some of this, and we’re ready.

Change the Armor System

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Several folks in the GameSpot office would like to see the game’s armor system change. The current armor system causes players to waste plates because it’s limited to filling or topping off one of three armor bars. Instead, plates should give you a fixed number of armor points, the full 50 points per plate, and potentially spill over from one armor bar into the next. We could also use a bit more variety in terms of armor rarity.

Teachable Challenges

One of the best games of all time, Titanfall 2 (fight us), had a system of challenges that forced you to get good with each weapon. Those challenges were based on showing the player what a gun was made to do. Far too many challenges in Warzone are simply chores or have nothing to do with the weapon blueprint they unlock. We’re talking even simple stuff like teaching players to make sniper kills from the edge of the gas or use RPGs to destroy vehicles.

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Currently, there are even broken challenges that don’t count, which can be frustrating to experience after spending hours trying to complete them. Overall, the end rewards for Warzone Challenges aren’t very good, and that needs to change.

Improved Climbing System

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Far too many times, you’ll be on the run from the gas and get hung up on cliffsides or unclimbable rocks. When it comes to terrain, there isn’t a reliable way to tell what is and isn’t climbable, and there’s nothing worse than getting got because your ankle snagged. It’d be nice if players could reliably understand what can and can’t be scaled in the heat of battle.

Better Gas Masks

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Equipping the gas mask should be a one-time thing. The automatic and unskippable animation when removing the mask near the edge of the gas messes with gunplay and gets players killed. It’s incredibly frustrating to be caught in this during a key moment in a gunfight.


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Okay, this is tricky to request. To give credit where it is due, developer Infinity Ward has implemented plenty of balance changes like nerfing the Grau and making loadout drops more expensive. It’s just that there isn’t much room for creativity with perks in the final circles. If you don’t have Cold-Blooded to stay off thermal sniper scopes, or EOD so you don’t get vaporized by C4 and RPGs, you’re at a considerable disadvantage. We’d like to see more risk/reward with loadout creativity than dominant tactics. But seriously, keep up the good work, Infinity Ward!

Now Playing: COD: Warzone – 11 Things That Need To Change

Host Review: Shudder’s Zoom Horror Movie Is The Perfect Chiller For 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the biggest disruption to the entertainment industry in decades. Movies that were finished and about to be released have been pushed back months or shifted to digital home release, while those that were already in production have been left in limbo as they wait to restart filming. Meanwhile, theater chains face huge financial problems as they sit empty. As with all times of crisis, the art produced during this time has started to reflect the situation–Shazam director David Sandberg made the impressive lockdown horror short Shadowed, while Michael Bay is producing a “pandemic thriller” titled Songbird.

The new British horror film Host, which hits Shudder this week, was written, filmed, and finished during quarantine. It’s a found footage movie that plays out entirely on Zoom–writer/director Rob Savage and co-writers Gemma Hurley and Jed Shepherd never interacted in person with their actors, all of whom filmed their roles separately from their own homes. The film was then edited and completed remotely.

The basic set-up is one familiar to most of us over the past few months–with a twist. Six young friends–Haley (Haley Bishop), Radina (Radina Drandova), Teddy (Edward Linard), Jemma (Jemma Moore), Caroline (Caroline Ward), and Emma (Emma Louise Webb)–assemble one evening during the pandemic on Zoom, to drink, laugh, and talk about the weird situation the world finds itself in. Only this time, the meeting’s host, Haley, has invited a seventh guest–a middle-aged clairvoyant named Seylan (Seylan Baxter), who is there to lead the group through a virtual seance (presumably the novelty of online quizzes had worn off). The evening starts in lighthearted fashion–only Haley is taking the seance particularly seriously–but soon things get very strange and scary.

A pandemic found footage horror movie set on Zoom seems like such an obvious thing for quarantined filmmakers and actors to make in 2020 that it would be amazing if Host is the only one heading our way. But it’s easy to see why this is the one that has broken through first and is getting a high profile release on Shudder. It’s an effective piece of horror filmmaking that uses an experience that so many of us have had over the past few months to chilling effect.

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Host is the latest in a series of recent tech-based genre movies that work best when viewed on the devices they are “set” on. Horror films and thrillers such as Unfriended, The Den, Open Windows, and Searching have all embraced the limitations of their format–usually set entirely within an app–and Host absolutely succeeds in this. Viewing it on the same laptop or device that you’ve already had dozens of Zoom meetings on this year is a genuinely unnerving experience. This isn’t some fictional social media app like in many of the aforementioned movies–this is literally Zoom. The faces on the screen could be any group of friends, and the relaxed, naturalistic performances from the actors immediately create a sense of believability that helps when things start getting scary.

As a horror movie, Host plays out like the greatest hits of found footage. It takes the scariest elements of genre favorites such as The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, and REC, and delivers a shock every few minutes. From sudden unexplained noises, ghostly figures glimpsed in the darkness, ill-advised trips into the attic, and people pulled across rooms by unseen forces, it’s all here. There are no frights that horror fans won’t have experienced many times in the two decades since Blair Witch first terrified audiences. It’s definitely scary in places, but viewers looking for a more original spin on found footage might want to look elsewhere.

However, Host succeeds because it taps directly into the experience that millions of people have themselves lived through since March–and continue to live through. The filmmakers confront both the feelings of isolation for those living alone, and of those who miss their alone time, such as Radina, who’s feeling strained by her fragile relationship with a boyfriend she wasn’t planning to move in with any time soon. There is humor that many viewers will relate to–at one point the seance is interrupted by a grocery delivery–and Savage uses Zoom’s functionality in clever ways, including the countdown to the end of a free 40-minute meeting, and the inventive use of a virtual background.

The film’s length plays a big part too. It’s just 56 minutes long, ensuring that the tension never drops and the format never becomes tiring. In a different era, a movie this short might have struggled to get seen, as it’s much longer than a short film, and yet way too succinct for any kind of “normal” feature release. But in the streaming era, there’s absolutely no reason a movie has to be the traditional 90 minutes or longer. Just under an hour is exactly the right length in this case, and Savage deserves credit for not padding it out further.

Horror is often at its best when it mirrors the shifting world around us, whether dealing with issues such as race, consumerism, or the environment. Host probably won’t age well–both in terms of the technology and the fact it’s set very specifically in a (hopefully) highly unusual year. But at a time when so many pre-pandemic movies have little in common with what is happening right now, it’s refreshing to see a well-made, effective indie horror that works as both escapist entertainment and as a reflection of a shared experience.

The Matrix Reloaded: 27 Things You Didn’t Know About The Sequel

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Skater XL Gameplay – Silky Smooth Lines

Skateboarding video games are seeing a revival, between the return of Tony Hawk Remastered, the announcement of a new Skate from EA, and even quirky spins like Skatebird. The physics-based skateboarding sim Skater XL looks to scratch the itch of EA’s Skate franchise, and we’ve already found some great lines.

Check out the gameplay above to see some of our favorite moments from three maps: Downtown LA, School, and the daunting Mega Ramp. You can check out our best tricks and enjoy the oddly soothing sounds of skate wheels on pavement.

Skater XL is out now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. A Switch version is slated to release this year.

10 International Thrillers To Stream Right Now

Though we can’t all travel like we used to, you can take a seat on your couch and fly through the catalogues of the streaming world. Shows like Dark and Money Heist have created buzz around the world, especially on social media. If you have Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime, you can watch (or binge through) some of the shows on our list. Most of them are still set to release new seasons this year. Watch as we go through international shows to add to your queue. Warning: songs from these titles such as “Bella Ciao” will be stuck in your head for days.

Halo Infinite Comes To PS4 In Mind-Blowing Dreams Recreation

While Halo Infinite is largely exclusive to the Xbox family–launching on PC (Steam and Windows 10), Xbox One, and Xbox Series X this holiday season–that hasn’t stopped players from hoping the pivotal Xbox title would eventually arrive on other platforms. Though developer 343 Industries likely has no plans of porting Halo Infinite to something like the Nintendo Switch or PlayStation 4, a Dreams creator decided to take matters into their own hands by recreating a portion of the gameplay reveal.

Disarmed, a visual and audio creator, took to Dreams to bring Halo Infinite to the PlayStation 4 in stunning detail. Though the video is only 41 seconds long, it takes an improbable premise–what if Halo but PS4–and brings it to life. We see Master Chief holding the classic assault rifle while strutting through a lush forest. It’s extremely gorgeous and continues to show Dreams’ impressive power–even if there’s no way it’s happening.

Xbox held its Games Showcase livestream last week, where we got a detailed look at Halo Infinite. We learned about the game’s campaign, some new weapons (including a grappling hook), and more. The company also shared information on various other Xbox titles, including the setting of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, the reveal of a new Fable game by the Forza Horizon developer Playground Games, and more.

In other Halo Infinite news, despite rumors circulating on the web, 343 Industries has confirmed that multiplayer will be available in the game on launch day. Though it has no definitive release date, Halo Infinite is apparently in “great shape” and will drop as an Xbox Series X launch title.

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These Mini Sega Consoles Are Perfect For Retro Collectors

Figurines are cool, but figurines playing old Sega consoles are even cooler. Max Factory’s FigmaPlus Sega console accessories are now available to pre-order via Good Smile US, and they come with everything you need to get your Figma action figures playing old games. The entire set costs $35, ships January 2021, and comes with a Sega Genesis, Saturn, Dreamcast, Master System, and Game Gear as well as a game for each and hands that can hold the respective controllers.

Each mini console is based on its Japanese release, so your Genesis is actually a Mega Drive and your Sega Saturn is in grey, black, and blue. Each of the five consoles also comes with a controller and its own game that can be taken out of its case and inserted into the system. These games include Sonic the Hedgehog for the Mega Drive, Virtua Fighter for Saturn, Space Channel 5 for Dreamcast, Alex Kidd in Miracle World for Master System, and Puyo Puyo for Game Gear.

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One thing to note is that the pictures show several different figures playing these consoles on a TV and entertainment center. These don’t come with the set, but you can snag the featured set from Hobby Link Japan, a reliable seller of action figures, models, and more.

As a pre-order bonus, Good Smile US is also throwing in an extra Mega Drive controller and hand part set, so two of your favourite Figma figures can play together–too bad Sonic the Hedgehog doesn’t have a two-player mode. The Sega mini consoles set seems like it would be a fun way to pose some of your figures. I’d personally love to see Sekiro or Link play a Genesis or Dreamcast.

If you’re interested in more retro gaming goodness, then be sure to check out our retro gamer’s guide. It covers everything from retro-style controllers you can use on modern platforms to different ways of playing old consoles on new TVs.